Did you know God has a Plan for your life, no matter where you are on this Journey?
Finding your way through life can be hard to do. Especially when you realize that you’re on the wrong road and need to make a change. It can be difficult figuring out how to get turned around and move in the right direction.
Seeking God is a critical spiritual journey. But where do you look? How will you know if you are on the right path? What’s true and what isn’t? These are all crucial questions that an honest inquirer wrestles with. The good news is that God welcomes those kinds of questions. He promises to reward those who seek Him with all of their heart (Psalm 119:10).
The Bridge Church is a place where you can ask your questions and find honest answers from the Bible. Thankfully, God doesn’t leave us in the dark or keep His plan for us a mystery. Jesus teaches that there is only one road that leads to heaven’s gates. He is that Path (John 14:6). Every other pathway is a dead-end street. What you do with Jesus is the key to this journey.
So, how do you get turned around and move in God’s direction? Going to church, praying, and doing good things for people are all great, but they should be out of the overflow of a heart that’s already taken the first and most important step.
So here it is – the first step in this journey, is to start with Jesus. We need to admit that we need God and that we can’t rescue ourselves. God, the Father, invites you to place your trust in Christ alone for your eternal future. That’s it! Believe in Jesus. Not just that He lived and died and was a good teacher, but that Jesus is the very Son of God who gave His life as a ransom for you.
That’s what the Bible says – “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us” (1 John 3:16). Saving faith is taking God at His Word. It’s believing that Jesus is who He says He is – the very Son of God. And believing that God’s Son freely, voluntarily became your substitute; dying the death that we were meant to die (because of our many failures and rebellion against God). That’s the incredible good news – Jesus took our punishment, our penalty on Himself. Now He’s waiting for you to accept this and make the great exchange – give Him your life, and in return, you’ll receive His indestructible life. The Bible says “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12)
So, be persuaded that Jesus is God who came to reveal God the Father to us; believe that He died in your place and that He victoriously rose to life again on the third day. Believe that because Jesus lives, you too shall live forever.
When you genuinely believe something, you act on it. When Peter was convinced that Jesus was out on the Sea of Galilee, and calling him to come, Peter stepped out of the boat. That’s belief in action.
In John 1:12, the Bible says “To all who received Jesus, to those who believed in his name, God gave the right to become children of God.” You can enter God’s family today, by taking this first step. It’s so simple that even a child can do this. Follow the ABCs – Admit you are lost without Jesus and can’t rescue yourself. Believe that Jesus has done everything needed to save you. Call on the name of Jesus – ask Him to take charge of your life, and make it all that He wants you to be.
These are the first steps in your life-long journey with Jesus. Once you take these first steps, it’s important to become part of a church family where you can learn and grow together with others who have believed.
We would be honored to have your journey become part of the The Bridge Church. We also would like to connect with you! If you have found Christ today, would you take another step and email us so we can pray with you?
Send an email to pastorjason@thebridgechurchpolson.org and let’s take this journey together!